I am a Photographer/Filmmaker/Artist who has worked in the film industry for
over 30 years as a writer/director, production consultant & teacher. I have
always photographed, sketched & painted in a variety of media.
Living on a small hobby farm on King Island for the past 11 years has given
me a wonderful opportunity to connect with the natural landscape/seascape
and reflect on the forces of nature that encompass our human experience.
“I like to develop concepts for films through photography, sketching & painting
before I finally realise it on film … that way of creating a story is very satisfying
to me and is a great way to communicate my ideas & feelings”
I am currently working on a photographic project titled “Transformations”
which deals with death/decay/rebirth and a series of artworks based on
childhood memories of Egypt titled “My Cairo”. Also working on a graphic
novel “Man of Stone” and a series of paintings “Chimera” based on the
aftermath of the wreck of the Neva that sank off the coast of King Island in