Kamula (camel) 847-23 (M)
Artwork Details
- Medium
- Other Media
- Dimensions
- 39cm (W) x 32cm (H) x 23cm (D)
As a member of the Indigenous Art Code Bluethumb is proud to have established direct partnerships with some of Australia's most respected First Nation's artists and art centres.
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Artwork Description
Artist Bio
Denise Brady is an artist belonging to the Pitjantjatjara cultural and language group. Born in the South Australian community of Amata, Denise has lived in Kaltukatjara (Docker River) in the Northern Territory for most of her adult life. Denise first tried her hand at weaving during a Tjanpi weaving workshop held in her home community in late 2022. She is a motivated and creative weaver who is always looking to create new and innovative works. Denise is a dedicated member of her community, working as a Youth Worker for NPY Women's Council and has also worked as Youth Development Officer. She is also an established artist with Kaltukatjara & Tjarlirli Art, paint an important story of country between her two homes. Tjanpi Desert Weavers (Tjanpi meaning ‘wild grass’) is an award-winning, Indigenous governed and directed social enterprise of the Ngaanyatjarra, Pitjantjatjara and Yankunytjatjara Women’s Council (NPYWC).